Try best

miso ramen

in NYC

East and West Village


Part Medicine, Part Business

We wish to preserve the grand Japanese traditional health food miso and bring it to as many people as possible.


Eat miso Together

Miso is an essential part of the Japanese diet

thanks to our long intestines.


After World War 2, We Japanese began to adopt a more American diet.

As a result, our fat intake has quadrupled, and disease that were unheard of before the war are becoming more common. Cancer may be one of them.

Our cells and bodies require time to adapt to big changes, such as our current diet, and we can no longer go back to the way things once were.

When we examine miso’s effect on the body, we find that it has numerous benefits.

While you may not be able to live to 150 just by eating miso every day.

We hope that providing people with more chances to try will result in longer and healthier lives.

Our goal is to be a business that also provides people with medicinal benefits thanks to the power of miso.

Fresh, clean kitchen

We care “A LOT”


 Follow our Instagram!



West Village


East Village